Super Junior One More Time Review

Super Junior One More TIme

I have been shaking like a chihuahua in anticipation waiting for this to come out. Super Junior One More Time is a mini album that I have been waiting for for over a month. Naturally I am pumped.

I actually picked this album up from an eBay seller this time because I was looking specifically for the Limited version, and Choice was out of the poster (I need my Donghae!) You can still get the limited version on there, without a poster for $19.99 plus shipping and handling here. The regular version is $16.99 plus shipping here.

It is also available on Amazon. The limited version with poster (folded) is here for $33.97 with free shipping if you are a Prime member. The regular version is $25.90 with all the bells and whistles here, plus free shipping with Prime.

If you don’t have Amazon Prime, you can get a 30 day free trial using this link here. I will not lie, the free 2 day shipping, plus all of the free music and videos are totally worth it. I also now use it for books for my Kindle paper white too, and it is honestly a life saver. They have a program called Kindle Unlimited where you can check out 10 books at a time, read them, and put them back in the kindle library. The program cost $7.99 a month, and you get the first 30 days for free with this link.

For the purposes of reading the remainder of this post, I recommend that you put the album on in the background, and read through it while listening to the track that I am talking about. This is what I recommend for all of my song reviews

Super Junior One More Time Track by Track:

One More Time (Otra Vez) feat Reik:

Okay, so I already filmed a reaction to this. You can see it here:

I feel like this explains most of my thoughts on this track, as basically I am in love with it. I have watched the music video about 20 times since this video, and beautifully dance to it above. (Note: if I was standing, the dance may have been more coordinated). It has legit been on repeat. The latin flair and the beat are so catchy. It is so fun to dance to as well. Like come on, salsa dancing with someone to this track…. AMAZING. That’s all I have to say about it. I’m looping the SUJU Version into this, so I will be skipping it, since the difference is mainly that one is in Korean, and the other has Spanish.


This is a little bit more of a down tempo latin flair track with a pop/electronic twist. Animals was actually pre-released for this mini-album. It is so nice to have Ryeowook back, isn’t it? He has such vocal color, and adds a whole extra vocal range back to SUJU. Congrats finishing your military service, bud! So this track is an interesting hybrid between multiple genres. It is part latin, part tropical, but all Super Junior. It is also an excellent transition between Otra Vez. It doesn’t beat Otrza Vez for me though, as that takes the cake.

Ahora Te Puedes Marchar

I don’t know how they managed to write a latin flair, retro musical sounding track, but Super Junior managed to do it, and make it sound pretty good! I absolutely love the bass line in it! I must say, it’s very interesting that this entire track is in Spanish, no Korean. Honestly, though, the pronunciation between the two aren’t that different, so it isn’t a hard transition. You can hear their accent though, and it is adorable. Overall, this track is a lot of fun, and the Latin American audience with be ALL over it. The ending to the track is also phenomenal, very different.

K-Points: 275/5

So, obviously that video shows how biased I am towards Super Junior, but they did something truly unique with this album that I haven’t seen done with K-Pop yet. They managed to blend multiple unlike genres and make them all work together coherently. On top of all of that, they broke down a language barrier as well. It’s impressive, and I think this is what the future of the music industry looks like. 

Should you buy a physical copy of this album? Not necessary unless you are an ELF like me. There are only 4 tracks on it, and you are legit paying to stare at pictures of them. Should you stream it? 100% No questions. This mini-album is TOTALLY worth your time, and it makes me look forward to what they have next!

Who is your favorite member of SUJU K-Nuggets? What are your thoughts on them breaking down language barriers? Let me know in the comments below!

