GOT7 Got Love Unboxing

GOT Got Love

This, I believe, is one of the final albums from my GOT7 collection to share with you all. Today, we are going back to an oldie, but a goodie with the GOT7 Got Love release from 2014. Keep reading to find out what comes with the album, my thoughts on it, and where you can get one yourself.

Things to know about the GOT7 Got Love Album:

  • There is only one version of this album:
  • Things that come with the album:
    • CD
    • Photobook (about 30 pages)
    • Circle Photo Card (1 of 7)
  • This album has the following songs on it:
    1.  U Got Me
    2. A
    3. 나쁜 짓
    4. Good Tonight
    5. Forever Young
    6. A (“collapsedone” Remix)
    7. A (TOYO Remix)
    8. A (FRANTS Remix)

K-Points: 707/5

Like many albums from this time period, the packaging is much more simple, and “toned down” in comparison to what you would see from GOT7 in later years. This is simply due to changes in industry standards for packaging, and albums becoming more like collector items, instead of being valued for the CD itself.

If you want to watch me fangirl more, I do also post reactions over on my YouTube Channel. I have posted one for GOT7 Miracle, which you can watch below:

So should you get yourself a copy of this album? If you can find a copy for a reasonable price, I would definitely say to pick it up. Older group albums are hard to find, so when I find one I know I’m missing and want in my collection, I snag it because I don’t know when I will find it again. Should you stream it? Since finding it will be hard, I highly recommend you stream it until you find a decently priced copy.

Where Can I Buy It?

I cannot remember where I picked up this album, since I got it so long ago. You can order a copy of the album from eBay, as they typically have good prices. This link will help you find a copy, plus free shipping. Plus, with eBay, you can save a little bit of money by using the Rakuten extension on your browser, as it will save you 2% on all album purchases, which definitely adds up.

What is Rakuten?

Rakuten is a cashback site that gives you money for purchases you may have already made. They even have an extension for multiple browsers so when you go to a website that uses Rakuten, it will automatically pop up the cashback button to make sure you are saving money. I use this all the time, and I got over $80 back from them for purchases I was going to make anyway. That’s about 3 more albums I can buy!

If you’ve never used Rakuten before, you can use this link to get $10 when making a qualified purchase of $25 when using Rakuten. You will also get whatever percent cashback is being offered from the site you are purchasing from.  Sephora, typically has 4% cashback, through here. Ulta typically has 3%. These are just some of the companies on the website, but there are other major retailers on there as well!

Rakuten also has a Google Chrome extension that will tell you as soon as you log onto a site that has cashback with a little pop-up in the corner so that you can ensure you are saving money!

Can I get it on Amazon?

Yes! You can pick up a copy using this link for around 30 dollars (a really good of a deal), with free shipping if you have Amazon Prime. If you don’t have Amazon Prime, you can get a 30-day free trial using this link here. I will not lie, the free 2-day shipping, plus all of the free music and videos are totally worth it. I also now use it for books for my Kindle Paper White too, and it is honestly a lifesaver. They have a program called Kindle Unlimited where you can check out 10 books at a time, read them, and put them back in the Kindle library. The program costs $7.99 a month, and you get the first 30 days for free with this link.

What GOT7 song is your favorite, K-Nuggets? Let me know in the comments below!

