Down the 토끼굴: My Dad’s Adventure into K-Pop

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So K-Papa, which is what I will be referring to my father as from this point going forward, has very slowly ventured into the world of K-Pop, as I briefly mentioned in previous posts. It started with him watching tidbits of Running Man here and there. This then transitioned into the K-Papa sitting down and watching full episodes of Running Man, as he realized that it is actually pretty dang funny. And if you read my post about 별에서 온 그대 (My Love from Another Star), you would know that when I re-watched the drama, the whole second half of it had K-Papa hooked, and I wasn’t allowed to watch any of it without him. I will note, that I will only watch dramas with him if I’m watching it for the second time, as he can’t binge watch shows like I can, and I get frustrated waiting for him.

After K-Papa started watching some of these K-Shows, he discovered the amazing and magical BTS through James Corden and them playing Flinch (which if you haven’t seen it, you need to). He watched this video about ten times, as he decided that he needed to show it to basically everyone. Through all of this, he began to learn the names of all of the members. His main struggles were:

  • Distinguishing between all the J names (Jin, Jimin, J-Hope, JungKook)
  • Figuring out who they were based off of another picture of the group from a previous prmotion
  • Figuring out who was who in a picture of GOT7, as the first few times I did that, he pointed at every single member before he figured out it was GOT7. I’m cruel.

He now has this down and can name all of them in about 2.5 seconds. I am proud of them.

I thought that dad had fully come into the club, and that it couldn’t get any better until the unthinkable happened…. He dreamed about BTS.

K-Papa went on a cruise with the K-Mamacita (AKA my mama) and he was in the middle of some plaza in Mexico, sitting on a bench while my mom was shopping away, and he decided to take a little siesta. He’s in Mexico, so siestas are 100% acceptable. In this siesta, my dad dreamt that BTS had walked into the plaza he was napping in. K-Papa looks at them, and because his daughter knows the K-Pop, and he is learning the K-Pop, he looks at them, notices it’s BTS, and walks up to them. He says hello, and rattles off all of their names. They were apparently impressed. My father then tells them that his daughter is a huge fan of them, and asks if they can send a message to her. He also says that it can be in Korean, because she speaks it. So they record a message, and he sends it to me.

The dream then flashes to me, sitting in my desk at work. I’m sitting there, doing work, and then I get a text message on my phone. I look at it, and the rest of the scene is me freaking out, and crying, and being useless for the rest of the day because BTS sent me a video.

If this is not a prime example of how well my father knows me, and how much even dream dad loves me, I don’t know what is. He doesn’t just know all of the names of BTS, but he dreams about meeting them and sending a video of them to me.

Although this is the extent of my father’s K-Pop adventures so far, I highly anticipate K-Papa getting much more involved in the future, and I can guarantee you will be hearing more about him.

What do your parents know about K-Pop, K-Nuggets? Tell me your stories down below!

