
I’m an affiliate of Amazon, and in the case that you click on the links and purchase these products through them, I do make a small commission. I do not however purchase and use products available on Amazon affiliated sites to use in videos solely so I may link them and make profit. I buy and test all sorts of products and if they happen to be available on Amazon sites, great. It’s mostly out of convenience for you, the viewer; however if you don’t trust it, you definitely have the right to search the internet yourself and purchase them however you see fit!

I am also a Bomibox affiliate as well, because let’s be real. It is actually amazing, and I want to share it with you all. If I can make a wee bit off money off of you subscribing to it, I will. So much of my money gets funneled back into the blog for all of you that I need to try and find ways to make it sustainable. It helps me buy more things to review for you all, cause let’s be real. I like reviewing things. 

Another note: All opinions expressed in this blog are the opinions of the K-Pop Hero. Any likes and dislikes are not a reflection of people or companies as a whole, simply my personal opinion of that particular product, (music, skin, makeup, etc.). If you have an issue with that, please take your negativity elsewhere, as this is a positive, safe space, to have meaningful discussions.